Online Yoga Classes
Weekly yoga practises according to your needs and themed to the season. Flow with us live, or take the class at your own convenience! $11 per class / $35 per month (unlimited).
Welcome to our Online Classes (Replay)
Spring Equinox (20 / 03 / 2020)
Energising Morning - by Annie (26 / 03 / 2020)
The Wandering Mind - by Sara Cecilia (19 / 04 / 2020)
Earth Day Grounding - by Annie (22 / 04 / 2020)
Feminine Flow - by Annie (07 / 05 / 2020)
Deep Stretch - by Annie (13 / 05 / 2020)
Yoga for Every Body (20 / 05 / 2020)
Hips & Core (27 / 05 / 2020)
Flow into Crow Pose (03 / 06 / 2020)
VISTA PREVIA GRATUITADownward Dog Flow (10 / 06 / 2020)
Dolphin Pose Flow (17 / 06 / 2020)
Summer Solstice - Energizing Practise (21 / 06 / 20)
(Mild) Inversion Practise (24 / 06 / 20)
VISTA PREVIA GRATUITAWarrior 1 & 2 Flow (01 / 07 / 20)